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How Much Does It Cost to Vape?

12/28/2023, 9:23:33 AM 1206


  1. Introduction
  2. Cost of Vaping Breakdown
  3. How Much Do Vape Devices Cost?
  4. Vaping Cost by Time Frame
  5. Key Factors that Can Affect the Price of Vaping
  6. Effective ways for vapers to save money
  7. Conclusion


While vaping may seem cheaper than smoking, there are ongoing costs involved that are important to consider. The upfront costs of purchasing a vaporizer, e-liquids, pods or cartridges, and replacement parts can add up over time. Understanding these costs is an important part of making an informed decision about vaping.

This guide breaks down the typical expenses one might expect when vaping on a regular basis to give an overview of what it truly costs to maintain the habit over both the short and long term. Factors like the type of device, frequency of use, and brand of e-liquids all influence the overall monetary commitment. By outlining the various cost categories and estimating price ranges, this report aims to shed light on the economics of vaping.

Cost of Vaping Breakdown

ItemEstimated Cost
Starter Kit/Device$20 – $50 for basic pens/kits, $50 – $200 for advanced mods
Replacement Coils/Pods$1 – $5 each, need replacing every 1-2 weeks
E-Liquids/Pods$10 – $30 per bottle of e-liquid. $15 – $20 for a 4-pack of pods.
Batteries$5 – $15 every 3-6 months for rechargeable mods.
AccessoriesChargers, cases, extra atomizers/tanks add to costs over time.

Monthly Cost Estimates:

Vaping LevelEstimated Monthly Cost
Light to moderate$30 – $100
Heavy daily$100 – $200+

Key factors affecting monthly costs include frequency of use, type of device/pods/liquids used, and how often replacement coils/batteries are needed. Over time vaping is generally cheaper than smoking, but upfront device costs and ongoing replacements should be budgeted.

How Much Do Vape Devices Cost?

Type of DevicePrice Range
Disposable/Cartridge Vapes$10-20
Pod Mod Devices$20-50 for starter pack
Closed System Tanks$30-80 for device, $2-15 for replacement coils
Open Tank Systems$50-150 for mod/battery, $2-15 for coils
Box Mods (basic)$50-100 for mod/battery, $2-15 for coils
Box Mods (advanced)$100-200 for mod, $2-15 for coils
Mechanical Mods$50-150 for tube, must build own coils

Some key points about the pricing:

  • Disposables and pod systems are most affordable upfront
  • Closed pod/tank systems and basic box mods have moderate initial costs
  • Open tank and advanced box mod prices range widely depending on features
  • Replacement coil/pod costs are additional expenses over time for all types
  • Mech mods require knowledge to safely build coils, adding to the cost of supplies
  • High-end customized mods can be even more expensive than the ranges above

Overall, vapers have many options to suit different experience levels and budgets, from inexpensive disposables to more advanced customizable devices. Sustaining costs like replacing coils are important to factor into the total ownership cost over the long run.

Vaping Cost by Time Frame

The costs associated with vaping can vary depending on the frequency and amount of use. For many moderately active vapers, the average daily expenditure falls between $1-7, depending on the type of device utilized.

On a weekly basis, pod system users generally spend $7-21, while those using box mods or open tank systems allocate $14-49. When considering average monthly costs, the numbers range more widely. Pod-based vaping maintains a lower threshold of $30-60 monthly, whereas closed tank setups require $30-100. Open sub-ohm devices demand the highest recurring investment, which could reach $50-150 per month if factoring in e-liquids, coils or atomizer replacements, and new batteries as needed for mod users.

Of course, lighter activity levels can reduce these costs, and more intensive vaping may increase spending accordingly. Overall, budgeting per day, week, or month offers a framework for anticipating the regular financial commitment of vaporizing as a pastime or smoking alternative.

Time PeriodPod/Cartridge VapersClosed Tank SystemOpen Tank/Box Mod
Per Day$1-3$1-5$2-7
Per Week$7-21$7-35$14-49
Per Month$30-60$30-100$50-150

Key Factors that Can Affect the Price of Vaping

Device type

Pod systems tend to be the most affordable, while high-end mods cost the most.

Nicotine level

Juices with higher nicotine concentrations often cost slightly more to produce.

E-liquid ingredients

Organic, all-natural juices made with premium ingredients usually have a higher price tag.


Well-known, popular vape brands generally charge more than lesser-known companies.

Replacement coils/pods

Higher Ohm coil options or specialty pods can be pricier than standard replacements.


Personalized or customized mods, atties, bottles, etc., tend to carry premium pricing.


Higher-powered systems adept at sub-ohm vaping demand higher performance components.


More advanced functions, interactive screens, and special materials affect mod costs.

Local regulations

Restrictions on vape sales have been shown to artificially inflate prices in some areas.

Economy of scale

Small batch artisan/handcrafted products have fewer sales for cost distribution.


Popular items may see temporarily inflated surge pricing due to high demand and low supply.

Effective ways for vapers to save money

  1. Buy in bulk. Coils, wicks, and e-liquids are cheaper when purchasing multiple packs/bottles.
  2. DIY juice mixing. Making your own e-liquid at home can cut costs by 50-80% compared to store-bought juices.
  3. Rebuildable atomizers. RDTAs and RDAs save money over pre-made coils in the long run.
  4. Reusable pods/cartridges. Refilling pod systems is cheaper than constant disposable pod purchases.
  5. Sub-ohm avoidance. Stick to lower wattage vaping to reduce coil/wick replacement needs.
  6. Extend coil life. Regular cleaning and priming coils can increase their usable life span.
  7. Online discounts. Subscribe to newsletters for web coupon codes and online vape shop sales.
  8. Outlet/liquidation stores. Second-chance retailers offer heavily discounted hardware closeouts.
  9. Moderate use habits. Heavily using several devices accelerates costs more than light, steady use.
  10. Compare battery options. Rechargeable options cut waste and spending vs. disposable batteries.
  11. Device maintenance. Proper storage and care extend a device’s useful lifetime before upgrading.

With a few smart strategies, vapers can maximize savings and enjoyment while minimizing expenditure over the long run.


By estimating average daily, weekly, and monthly prices depending on if you’re a pod person, tank team member, or mod maven, it arms you with useful knowledge for budgeting expenses. While your first few months may require deeper pockets and heavier hitters may blow past these numbers, the averages provide a solid starting point.

Most importantly, it shows you can keep the monthlies manageable at $30-100 if you choose wisely. Factoring in additional considerations like influential price shapers and savvy savings strategies empowers you to take control of your vape fund.

When managed properly relative to your habits, going the vapor route can definitely cost less than the old smoke show.

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