Get the Most Flavor Out of Your Vape
3/29/2024, 9:01:49 AM 929
It seems that there are three types of vapers out there: flavour chasers looking for the ultimate in sensory bliss, Sikary cloud chasers determined to get the most heartfelt "Sick cloud, bro!" of the crowd, and the rest of us who fall somewhere in the middle, appreciating both nice clouds and robust flavour. This article is for those of you wondering how to get the most flavour out of your e-juice (but we certainly won't begrudge you if you appreciate clouds too - secretly, most of us do to some extent).
Flavour matters
One of my favourite things about vaping is the variety of flavours. I mean, who doesn't want to have a guilt-free dessert? Or enjoy something fruity or savoury? Sure, clouds are great, but flavour matters!
Wondering how to get the most flavour out of your juice? Here are some tips to enhance your taste experience.
Try adjusting your wattage
Believe it or not, wattage makes a huge difference to flavour. The first thing to do is check the recommended wattage range for your coil and try not to exceed it. My advice is to always start at a lower wattage and work your way up until you find the wattage that brings out the most flavour. I recently bought a Naked 100 juice that I had not tried before, and after experimenting I found that 35 watts was the best setting. But when I started using Sikary's K1 device I found I preferred it at around other brand. It really depends on the juice. Certain flavours shine at different wattages.
Try Changing Your Airflow
If your airflow is openly completely, it might mute the flavor a bit. Switch it up and see where the best airflow setting is for the flavor you’re vaping. Just be wary of closing it too much; you don’t want your vapor to get too hot, or overheat your coil. A general rule of thumb is that as power increases, airflow needs to increase proportionately to avoid burning your juice. Therefore some flavors may be best enjoyed under low power and constricted airflow, others shine at high power with wide-open hits.
The PG Rule
Many people believe higher PG juices are going to have a stronger flavor. Propylene Glycol tends to hold flavor better than Vegetable Glycerin (VG) because it’s mostly odorless and tasteless, while VG has a mellow, sweet quality that mildly mutes flavor tones. Thus, flavor intensity won’t be as high as a higher-PG liquid. Just keep in mind that a higher PG ratio means a stronger throat hit and weaker cloud.
Clean Your Equipment!
Juices can create a buildup in your tank, so a good cleaning every now and then is a good idea. It’ll keep everything tasting fresh. Another good rule of thumb is to change out your coils every few weeks, or whenever your flavors start to taste harsh, burnt, or muted (we’re aware these are strikingly different, but all can be symptoms cured by a fresh coil head). If your factory-made atomizer coil is gunky, you can unscrew it from your tank and run it under hot water, hopefully de-gunking the wicking somewhat and perhaps buying you a few more days. They’ll need time to dry though, so make sure you have a backup coil to use if you want to use your vape before your coil is dry. Some vapers have reported success with an overnight soaking of throwaway coils in cheap vodka, but be aware this technique requires several days’ drying or the resulting alcohol vapor once re-installed can be even worse than the dry hit you’re trying to avoid.
Flavor Fatigue and “Vaper’s Tongue”
Something modern vapers seem to forget that’s canon for the veterans is that it’s possible to get too used to your favorite vape juice. After you’ve been vaping one type of flavor for an extended period of time, it may not taste as strong to you. This flavor fatigue is a phenomenon called “Vaper’s Tongue”.
Try changing flavors. If that doesn’t work, odds are the flavor fatigue will go away in a few days. Drinking a lot of fluid is another tip to combat this problem, particularly if you’re using a PG-heavy liquid. Propylene Glycol is a humectant, meaning it absorbs the liquid in your body in order to create a mist or vapor - this means that heavy vaping is likely to dehydrate you, so water consumption while vaping is a must.
Store Your E-Juice Correctly
Keeping the flavor of your e-juice fresh is important. Storing your juices in a cool, dark place, such as a refrigerator will prevent flavor degradation.
Ready to Use These Tips?
A combination of these things will help you get the most flavor out of your e-juice! Try out one or all of them and see if you notice a difference.