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Reduce Young People's Exposure to E-cigarettes

4/1/2024, 2:20:27 PM 1046

It's a burning question for parents and public health officials alike: How do you stop a new generation from taking up smoking?

We already know some strategies that have worked. Public health campaigns aimed at young people and consistent encouragement from parents help to keep them from picking up the dangerous habit.

But first, a fundamental question: Why? Why is it so important that we continue to prevent our youth from using tobacco?

Public need for research into disposables and counterfeit vapes

No matter how you put it, there is a problem. If you buy a disposable, it almost always contains nicotine. If children are managing to buy them, then we need to inform the public about what to look for to spot potential small shop owners selling them to children. The problem is doubled by the fact that these same shopkeepers are buying disposables from the underground market, which imitate the latest top brands.

So there are two clear ways that you, as a vigilant member of the public, can help stop vaping harming children.

Four facts to know

  • Kids are still smoking. Every day in the US, about 2,000 teens smoke their first cigarette, and more than 300 of them become daily smokers.
  • Smoking is dangerous. According to the US Surgeon General, 5.6 million Americans under the age of 18 today will die prematurely from smoking-related diseases.
  • Most smokers start at a young age. If young people don't start using tobacco by the age of 26, they almost certainly will never start.
  • It's not just cigarettes. Children today are exposed to cigars, cigarillos, e-cigarettes (vaping and juuling), hookah (water pipe) and smokeless tobacco (snuff, chewing and dissolvable tobacco). Several of these forms of tobacco are 'flavoured', increasing their appeal to young people.

What to do if you suspect a shop of selling vapes to UK kids?

If you suspect a shop is selling vapes to children or selling vapes that are illegally imported and therefore potentially damaging, then you can report that store. Contact the local council or report them directly to Trading Standards authorities.

Finding a Responsible UK Vape Shop

If you want to vape yourself in the full safety of legal, checked, high quality vape devices, then we invite you to browse our online vape shop. With fast delivery, excellent prices, and great deals on vape juice, we are Milton Keynes’ favourite solution.