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What should you do if you think your vape is at risk of exploding?

6/18/2024, 5:27:03 PM 865

Your vape is displaying one or more of the above warning signs, so what should you do? Let's have a look.

1. Stop using it!

If your vape displays any of the warning signs above, or you think it may be at risk of exploding for any other reason, stop using it immediately and turn it off.

If you continue to use it, you risk it exploding in your face, which could result in serious injury, including burns to your face from the explosion and any hot vape juice that may come out.

It's simply not worth the risk of this happening, so don't take any chances.

2. Remove the battery

Once you've stopped using the vape and turned it off, you can further reduce the risk of it exploding by removing the battery.

If the vape has malfunctioned badly, it could still be at risk of exploding when switched off if the battery is left in, so removing it will remove this risk.

3. Place the battery in a safe place and let it cool

If your vape showed signs of imminent explosion, there's a good chance the battery will be hot after you remove it.

In this case, you should place it in a safe and cool place to allow it to return to normal temperature.

Make sure it is out of direct sunlight and away from other heat sources.

4. Inspect the battery and, if in doubt, take it to a specialist.

Once the battery has cooled down and the danger has been averted, you can inspect the vape and battery to try to determine why it was showing such worrying signs in the first place.

If you know what caused the problem and are confident that you can fix it yourself - and if it wasn't due to a fault or malfunction with the battery - you can fix the problem and put the battery back in to test the vape.

However, if you're in any doubt, do not use the battery or vape again until you've had everything checked by a professional.

If you're reading this because your vape has done something worrying, hopefully we've averted any immediate danger, so now we can look at why vapes explode and how you can minimise the risk.

Generally speaking, there are two main reasons why vapes explode - damaged, faulty or incompatible equipment and user error.

Damage to vapes, which can include the battery or other components, can occur when the vape is dropped or exposed to water. These causes are easy to understand and also easy to avoid if you are careful with your vape.

Sometimes, using vape components that are not compatible with each other can lead to malfunctions and a potential risk of explosion.

Similarly, vapes can explode if you use an incompatible charger - or if you buy a counterfeit charger or battery.

User error, on the other hand, is more of a problem for inexperienced vapers or those using unfamiliar equipment or equipment that is too advanced for them.

For example, using the wrong power or temperature settings for the equipment you are using could cause the coil to overheat, which could lead to an explosion.

So if you're going to use more advanced vaping equipment, make sure you know what you're doing - and for beginners, it's best to stick to simple pods or disposable vapes for convenience.